Destination & Activities

Can Boix de Peramola

The Alt Urgell region covers an area of 1446.9 km2 and occupies 4.5% of Catalonia, with a population of more than 22,000 inhabitants.

Located in the north-west of Catalonia, Alt Urgell is bordered to the north by the Pyrenees and Andorra, to the east by Cerdanya, Berguedà and Solsonès, to the west by Pallars Sobirà and Pallars Jussà and to the south by La Noguera.

At the southernmost tip of the region, between Alt Urgell and La Noguera, we find the Rialb reservoir.

Hotel Can Boix de Peramola is located between two reservoirs, in the southern part of Alt Urgell. It is a strategic and, above all, privileged location.

The position of Alt Urgell, in the middle of other regions, facilitates access to a large number of routes of tourist and natural interest.




Rafting, canoeing and hydrospeed

Heritage & Culture

Dinosaur site

4x4 routes


The whole of the province of Lleida, both the Pre-Pyrenees and the Pyrenees, is characterised by good roads with little traffic and landscapes that are ideal for motorbike tourism. Attractive curves with beautiful landscapes, tranquillity and the whole road to enjoy your bike.

Can Boix is ideally located 9 km from the Bassella Motorcycle Museum, with easy access and full facilities for bikers.

Can Boix de Peramola is located at the foot of the Sant Honorat – Roca del Corb and Ausbenç mountain ranges, the starting point of several hiking trails in the south of Alt Urgell.

We propose a series of self-guided walking routes, with different degrees of difficulty, all starting and finishing at the hotel. Most can be done all year round and some are ideal for children. The capricious landscape offered by the rocks and valleys of the pre-Pyrenees, as well as the attractions of the Romanesque architecture, the flora or fauna of our surroundings, are the perfect incentive to go for a walk and enjoy nature.

Can Boix de Peramola is part of the Catalan Tourism Agency’s ‘Hiking in Catalonia’ brand.

In the Segre Olympic Park (La Seu d’Urgell), you can go rafting, canoeing and hydrospeeding in the white water and calm canals all year round. Unique facilities and highly qualified staff allow you to enjoy the thrills of white water in complete safety.

You can also go rafting on the Noguera Pallaresa river, in the neighbouring region of Pallars Sobirà. Do not hesitate to ask us about the operators who specialise in this sport.

Alt Urgell is a paradise for fans of architecture. Churches, villages, cemeteries, Romanesque and medieval itineraries await you in a unique and magical landscape.

We recommend our two essentials:

The Pont d’Ogern: This bridge was used to cross the Ribera Salada, connecting Ogern and Oliana with Madrona. It was the only bridge in the area. This is a difficult structure to date. It could be of Romanesque or Gothic tradition.

The Church of San Clemente de Coll de Nargó: this church dates from the 10th or early 11th century and is of Lombard-Romanesque architecture, with a single nave and a gabled roof. It was restored by the modernist architect Milà i Fontanals.

The Coll de Nargó dinosaur egg and nest site is considered by the scientific community to be one of the three most important in the world.

In order to promote the importance of the site, a museum has been created to recreate the time when dinosaurs were widespread on the planet and to present the main hypotheses about their extinction. The visit is rounded off by the “Mirador del Cretaci”, a paleontological site open to the public where you can see footprints, dinosaur eggs and remains of Cretaceous vegetation.

Immerse yourself in places of exceptional beauty and enjoy nature in almost inaccessible locations. There are many different routes around the hotel, with durations ranging from a few hours to a full day.

You can also follow the itineraries offered by Bassella Experiences in the town of Bassella. There are three private routes: one for beginners, one for professionals and one for extreme 4×4 driving.

Bassella Experiences has a school for enthusiasts of this sport and a fairly comprehensive fleet of vehicles.

The Hotel Can Boix in Peramola is located 2 km from the Segre River, an ideal place for trout fishing.

It is important to consult the current regulations for recreational fishing, as well as having a licence to fish in Catalonia. Both the licence and the corresponding permits for each day and area in which you wish to fish can be processed through the website of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

At Can Boix de Peramola, we are happy to help our guests with the administrative procedures for obtaining licences and permits.